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3RV1901-1E Auxiliary Contact , 1 NO+1 NC, Siemens


50 in stock

  • Auxiliary switch transverse 1 NO+1 NC for circuit breaker Size S00…S3, Phased-out product, Successor is SIRIUS 3RV2 Preferred successor type is >>3RV2901-1E<<
  • Protection class IP on the front Is IP20

  • Auxiliary switch transverse 1 NO+1 NC for circuit breaker Size S00…S3, Phased-out product, Successor is SIRIUS 3RV2 Preferred successor type is >>3RV2901-1E<<
  • Protection class IP on the front Is IP20
  • Size of the circuit-breaker S00, S0, S2, S3
  • Number of NC contacts for auxiliary contacts instantaneous contact is 1
  • Number of CO contacts of auxiliary contacts instantaneous contact is 1



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