Dark Light

95234200 Automatic Transfer Switch, 4P, 2000A, Socomec


5 in stock

  • ATyS S products are 4 pole remotely operated transfer switches with positive break indication.
  • They enable the on-load transfer of two three-phase supplies via remote volt-free contacts, from either an external automatic controller, using pulse logic, or a switch.
  • They are intended for use in low voltage power supply systems where a brief interruption of the load supply is acceptable during transfer.

  • ATyS S products are 4 pole remotely operated transfer switches with positive break indication.
  • They enable the on-load transfer of two three-phase supplies via remote volt-free contacts, from either an external automatic controller, using pulse logic, or a switch.
  • They are intended for use in low voltage power supply systems where a brief interruption of the load supply is acceptable during transfer.



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