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BLRCH250A300B40 VarPlus Can HDuty Capacitor, 25/30 kvar, 400 V, Schneider


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  • VarPlus Can capacitor are a reliable and flexible solution for power factor correction in stringent operating conditions.
  • These capacitors are particularly used for higher voltage disturbances or when a few non-linear loads are present.
  • The rated current of the capacitors must be in increased in order to cope with the circulation of the harmonic current.

5.910,00 EGP 7.880,00 EGP

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  • VarPlus Can capacitor are a reliable and flexible solution for power factor correction in stringent operating conditions.
  • These capacitors are particularly used for higher voltage disturbances or when a few non-linear loads are present.
  • The rated current of the capacitors must be in increased in order to cope with the circulation of the harmonic current.
  • This capacitor provides a rated output power of 25 kVar at 400V AC, 50 Hz.
  • Fastening assured by a ClampTite terminal.
  • This component meet the standards IEC 60831-1 and IEC 60831-2.
  • The case product weight is 2.5 kg.



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